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New Grants for Resident Service Programs!

Our Sustainable Communities Manager, Monica Nanez, did an incredible job of securing grants this year for us to expand the programs available to our residents. Here's what we'll be working on:

Wells Fargo Healthy Communities

To boost community building and encourage long-term sustainability, all FCH properties will host Green Cleaning classes in 2019, complete with participation gifts like reusable water bottles and bags!

The winning image from a contest that will be printed on the gifts: bicycle representing the values of FCH including community and sustainability,

Santa Clara County Micro Urban Farm Pilot Program

Our newly constructed permanent supportive housing project in downtown San Jose, Second Street Studios, will partner with local nonprofit Valley Verde, whose mission is to promote widespread cultivation of organic home vegetable gardens, to encourage healthier eating, and address food insecurity. The pilot program for the residents will include:

  • access to local organic food

  • onsite gardening/farming

  • nutrition classes

  • job training

Mobility Hub

What does a true transportation hub look like in the age of cars? By introducing car share, bike share, and scooter share at our Betty Ann Gardens property, we aim to find out. Residents in affordable housing are less likely to own a care, and are more likely to use alternative forms of transportation, so we are excited to see how they make use of multi-modal transit, when *all* modes are available.

Betty Ann Gardens - the site of our new mobility hub

Digital Literacy Classes

This extensive 8-class series will be offered at 6 of our properties. Every resident that finishes the course will be awarded with an iPad.

Curtner Studios Digital Literacy graduates in 2016



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